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跃跃欲试比利时白IPA Sichuan Pepper Session White IPA


(ABV 5.4%, IBU 45) 

这是一款独特的带有淡淡花椒风味的啤酒,这款手工酿造的口味和风格非常平衡。是一款带着中国风味的比利时白IPA,也很适合中国当地的菜肴。 Sichuan Pepper Session White IPA (ABV 5.4%, IBU 45) 

A Belgian-style session IPA with a twist. A great and unique beer that balances perfectly taste and style in this special brew. This is not a spicy beer! The precise addition of Sichuan pepper brings freshness and character. Perfect summertime beer. Pairs well with Chinese cuisine. 

SPEC:33cl bottle / 20L keg

芒果赛松Mango Saison

GO-GO Mango 芒果赛松 

(ABV 5.5%, IBU 35) 

比利时传统风味赛松,金黄色酒体和清爽口感,选用果香丰富的银河酒花与芒果增味,带入了层次丰富的水果风味。GO-GO Mango / Mango Saison(ABV 5.5%, IBU 35) Blond and refreshing traditional Belgian Saison. We selected hops to pair with the mango and push the fruity aroma in the beer. No added fruit juice. SPEC:33cl bottle / 20L keg

血橙农舍/赛松恶魔Blood Orange Farmhouse DEVIL

血橙农舍赛松/恶魔(ABV 6%, IBU 18) Farmhouse/Saison是比利格的酿造工艺。

12平方酿造的农舍赛松, 酒精度达到6%ABV。呈现一种亮丽的古铜色以及它和血橙的微妙组合,加上焦糖麦芽,使苦度更平衡,给人一种圆润的口感。 Blood Orange Farmhouse / DEVIL(ABV 6%, IBU 18) Farmhouse / Saison is a traditional style of beer from Belgium.

Our farmhouse is quite strong at 6% ABV and not sour. It is well-bodied and lightly flavored with Blood Orange. The specialty malts bring balance and body to this elegant beer. 

SPEC:33cl bottle / 20L keg

The Trap is There 迷酿修道院比利时双料

The Trap is There 比利时双料 (ABV 7.8%, IBU 20) 


Belgian Double. Almost like a dream come true. Our first commercial beer brewed with dark candi sugar. The mouthfeel and aromas confer to this beer all the characteristics of a Belgian Abbey Beer. The specialty malts selection gives its copper/ruby color.

SPEC: 33cl Bottle / 20L Keg